OHST Bipolar Head, Femoral Heads, Cement Restrictors

OHST BiPolar System consists of 39,40 and 41㎜ O.D. for 22㎜ I.D. also 28㎜ I.D for 42㎜ and larger O.D. up to 55㎜ Bipolar Head and available with 1㎜ increment.
・The larger contact area and highly polished metal surface of the Bipolar Head ensure the best possible protection of the acetabular cartilage.
・The removable, correctly placed safety Locking Ring joins the Bipolar Head safely with the femoral head, at the same time avoiding dislocation.
・The OHST Bipolar head can be used in combination with the 22㎜ or 28㎜ OD depends on the size of Bipolar head.